Vocational education and training can contribute significantly to a sustainable, growing economy, whereas VET graduates can contribute significantly to successful businesses. Skilled students completing VET school help employers to fill skills gaps, and deliver productivity gains. Accordingly. no VET system can be successful without the involvement of the business sector. This derives from two main aspects:
- The employers are those that create the labour market, the single most important factor when creating VET profiles. Regular surveys and continual cooperation will secure the necessary information and requirements so that VET students learn the right skills in line with the market needs. Moving from education towards employment, the employers will be the ones to take control of the occupational standards, making sure that profiles are developed to fit the employers’ needs;
- The success of VET depends on both classroom and workplace-based systems that need to be in place and support one another. Practical work is crucial to learning so that students come out of VET schools ready to work. And practical work is best done within real working environments. Increasing the internships in your company would bring greater benefits both to you and the VET students.
Therefore, this project together with the VET Schools and the VET Centre will look to the business sector to play a key role both in the preparation and implementation of the VET programmes.

How employers can take advantage of the VET reformed programmes
Many surveys and consultations have been madeconducted in order to enassure that the reformed profiles lead to occupations that relate to the employer’s needs.
- We encourage employers to get involved with their local VET schools as we have made sure that the students have specific vocational competence that the employers are seekingneed;
- We have taken in consideration your trends and estimations for the future in order to create the right profiles;
- We have included learning of more soft skills while learning so that students can adapt easier, are more flexible, better communicators and problem solvers;
- We invite you to participate in helping toand influence the development ofp and influence the occupational standards and industry profiles so that they can best fit your needs;
We have created curricula that delivers education in line with the European Qualification Framework, as we know that your companies follow this path too.