Surveys show the following trends from the employers which will be leading the development of the VET system for employers:
- At the moment employeers that have vocational training are far more valued on the labour market compared to those that don’t – employers look for the ones that have vocational qualifications;
- There is continuous deficit for the following occupations: electrical engineers (courses: telecommunication, electronics, robotic management with technical systems); mechanical engineers; IT technicians; pharmacists, engineers in the textile industry; engineers-technologists and others;
- Almost a third of vacancies seem to be in the service industries. Construction and manufacturing have the highest proportions of vacancies however the most significant sector for new vacancies are the processing industries;
- The largest number of new jobs in the period between 2011 and 2014 were created in the sector of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing in the segment of Skilled agricultural workers, in Manufacturing in the segment of plant and machine operators, and assemblers, in Transportation and Storage in the segment of plant and machine operators, and assemblers, in Wholesale and Retail Trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles in the segment of service workers, shop salespersons, market salespersons, in Accommodation and Food Service activities in the segment of service workers, shop salespersons, market salespersons and in Construction in the segment of craft and related trades workers;
- The biggest number of new employments is expected in the occupation plant and machine operators and assemblers in companies that manufacture automotive components, textile and logistics;
- From the secondary vocational education the following occupations have the greatest number of vacant job positions: service workers, craft and related trades workers, Plant and machine operators, and assemblers, whereas the index of vacant job positions (generally small at national level) is the biggest in the sectors Accommodation and Restaurants, Construction, Administrative and Support Service activities, Transportation and Storage, Manufacturing, Business Economy, Mining, Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles, etc.
- National economy is moving into modern competitive sectors and industries (moving away from competition in hardware and software and moving towards competition in efficiency and innovation);
- Lots of the new employment in the country comes from the new (mainly foreign) companies so skills are required similar to the European counterparts of those companies (and VET schools are now ready to offer that);
- Employers highlight the need for command of foreign languages (English, German, Italian), familiarity with basic computer applications, as well as advanced knowledge and skills in IT, communication skills, ambition, responsibility, confidentiality, precision, tram work, data entering and reading skills, flexibility, sales, marketing and management skills;
- The business sector puts higher value on the fundamental (for the occupation area) and the specific (for the respective occupation) vocational competences;
- Small and medium enterprises list the following qualities as having dominant priority for them: possession of driving license, problem solving abilities, good communication abilities, foreign language command, professional attitude towards work, ability to work under pressure, ability to detect errors, ability to take criticism and learn from it.
- The employers value vocational, practical and soft skills.

Ministry of Labour have set out IT, Construction, Tourism and Agriculture in the National Employment Strategy 2016-2020 – those are the main areas of focus.